You’ll have to excuse me but lately I’ve been thinking about things and have to say “ REALLY? REALLY?
Seems there is a lot of flack about Christmas and Trees. I mean its pretty bad when a 6 year old has to ask this question; “if it’s a holiday tree-----why do we only put it up at Christmas”
Now for being tolerant , it works BOTH ways. If you don’t believe in something or someone, That’s fine! BUT don’t tread on MY rights TO believe!
Then, there are some that want to re-interpret the Bible so that it’s OK to engage in sexual sin as long as it’s not involved in idolatry such as was seen in Sodom and Gomorrah.
So I guess using that reasoning that not only is same sex ok, but then adultery, rape and pre-marital sex is now ok!
Maybe it’s me! Guess I’m just not so tolerant!